Wednesday, February 14, 2007

My interpretation, since it's finally allowed

Movements and theories always bring about some sort of reaction or rebellion from society. Thus, at the root of post-structuralism is society’s reaction to structuralism. However, post-structuralism did not reject all aspects of structuralism. Post-structuralism retained the scientific aspect and systematic approach of structuralism. It is still reliant on observing the language, but instead of merely looking at things linguistically, it operates philosophically. Post-structuralism questions the language instead of accepting the arbitrary relationship between sign and signified. When studying a sign, you can not use tunnel vision and perceive only the signified. The perception of the signified is impacted by its surroundings, especially it’s opposite. Thus, when thinking about summer, you define it depending on the surrounding words. You inherently think about the other seasons in order to define summer. Therefore, signs can not have structured meanings. Unlike structuralism, post-structuralism relies on the interaction of the words and their interpretation. You must philosophically question the surroundings of a word instead of just the actual word. I think this is more of a realistic method than structuralism. I feel like if my interpretation isn’t necessary to find the meaning of a text, there is no reason for me to contemplate its meaning. Therefore, post-structuralism would have most likely been my reaction to structuralism as well.


m. mcb. said...

I don't understand what you mean when you are talking about interpretation here: I feel like if my interpretation isn’t necessary to find the meaning of a text, there is no reason for me to contemplate its meaning.

I'm not sure that poststructuralism is concerned with contemplating meaning or not. I think it is more about understanding that whatever meaning is assumed cannot be stable...but I'm curious to know what you meant by this.

Will Hunting's Wisdom said...

I'm not concerned that the interpretation is mine. I just like to know that the text has a flexible interpretation instead of being set in stone merely by the arbitrary connection of the words.